Friday 23 August 2013

Increase Internet speed


1. Open Notepad.

2. Copy the following code to the Notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

3. Save the file as NetSpeed.reg or what ever name you want but the extension should be registered.

4. If you run the file means it asks for "Do you want to add the following entry to the registry"

5. Press Yes

6. Reboot your PC.

Hope internet is fast Try this in Local PC before apply it on Network

I have already test before post this and it work
Before it was 55ms and now it is 41ms....:)

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Remove corrupted files from USB Drive

 Sometimes ,your portable USB drive shows some files  as corrupt and they just can't seem to be deleted. 
  Or maybe your drive shows as having less space then it should - there are corrupt files there but they are hidden.

   I recently faced this problem and found two fixes for the problem.

Method 1 )

   Plug USB device into the USB port.

Open Windows Explorer to find out what drive letter has been assigned to the USB drive. Close Windows explorer.

Click Start > Run and type in "cmd" without the quotes. Click OK.

Use "cd C:\" without the quotes if you are not already at the C:> prompt.

At the C:> prompt, type "CHKDSK G: /F" without the quotes where G = the drive letter of the USB drive. The space before /F is important. Press enter.

If you are asked questions like "Convert lost chains into files?" answer all such questions "Y" without the quotes and press enter.

Once finished with CHKDSK type at the C:> prompt "DEL G:\File*.chk" without the quotes where G = the drive letter assigned to the USB drive and File* is the name of your file.

Close the dos command window and  go to "My Computer". Find your USB drive and open it. Delete any other files that you do not want. 

Method 2)

1. Plug pen drive  into the USB port. Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Computer Management/Disk Management
2. Select the letter of the drive that corresponds to your flash drive. 
3. Right click, select format.
4. This will format the flash drive.
5. Exit out.
6. Go to My Computer
7. Right click your flash drive.
8. High level format it (FAT32)
9. Your Pen drive is now formatted and it is free from corrupted files.

I have tried both the methods and they worked for me . 

Hope they worked for you also.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Welcome notice

Hello , Friends  Welcome to online technical world.

Here at technical world we get updated about latest technologies coming daily.