Wednesday 9 October 2013

Android Games Vending Machines Rolling in Tokyo

android games
In Japan (obviously), they have vending machines for everything, ranging from worn underwear(yes, you read that correctly, those Japanese dudes are weird) to, breaking news, Android Games! Yes, now you can buy Android Games from Vending Machines, only in Japan!
You can’t get more retro and true than that, mark my words. Don’t even try.
So, riding the wave of trendiness and the cult for vending machines, the good people from Google Japan decided to join the party and now you can buy up to 18 games from those machines, which are basically dedicated Google Play physical stores, sort of speak. Or, huge smartphones. Or, I really don’t know what they are, just check out the picture. If you can buy a Coke and a Hot-Dog(or, at least sushi in a toothpaste tube, in case you’re not addicted to real food) with your Android game, drop of the hat for those Japanese engineers, heaven is here to stay!
android games
So, moving along with the story, the games available in the Google Play machines are free to play or paid for types. In order to take advantage of this retro technology, you will have to use your state of the art Android running  smartphone (at least a 4.0  Android version) and NFC.
It’s like riding an Unicorn wearing Google Glass and thinking that you’re an Elf or something, if you ask me. I would be blown off my shoes if those guys from Google Japan would have sold you Android games on Vinyl disks or Cassettes, you know what I mean?
The Google Play vending machine has a huge touchscreen, with weird animations (Manga, anyone?) and looks just like a Coke dispenser of some sort. Using it is very easy, so all you have to do is buy a one way ticket to Tokyo and start playing.

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